Summer 2019-20

 Points calculated on best 7 results for each half of the season.

A GradeB GradeC GradeD Grade
Adam McGregor786Shaun James707Garry Pitt706Alison Curry655
Tom Allford518Nigel Keath649Tom Athorn543Karren James470
Ben Chatfield175Tim Williams628Dave Priest507Dylan Vertigan309
Dion Strike147Chris Schilling569Michael Allford335Tony Graham174
Tyler Beruldsen122Daniel Mayes566Kate Bourchier328Jodie Gibson133
Jeremy Johns43Eloise Beveridge313Barry Pollock320
Matt Hissey308Yap Williams261
Josh Milne303Nicolle Kelly37
Devan Edwards294
Greg Toole135
Ben Nicholson117TPETPE
Ash Kozak42Nicolle Kelly7Donna Harris7
Glen Cumming41Jordan Dean4Jodie Gibson6
Hailey Mason41Varey James3
Luke Walker39Anne Jones3
Peter Doody33
Barry Pollock314